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2011/12/31 Andras Timar <>

2011/12/31 Martin Srebotnjak <>:

So, Andras, will you take care of these two string-formations in the code
for 3.5, the one reported by Milos and the one by Mihkel? Or do we have
adapt our translations according to "what the author of code wanted to
say"? Time for 3.5 is running out I guess.

I don't understand why anyone needs to adapt translations for Milos'

Well, for one, in the case of languages that don't use Title Case for menu
commands, it's not obvious that words for "Header" and "Footer" should
start with a lowercase letter there.

We have "Delete $1" and "Format $1" where $1 can be "Header" or
"Footer". Those are STR_HEADER and STR_FOOTER from
sw/source/ui/docvw/docvw.src and are not used anywhere else, so you
can translate them as you need to fit into the "Delete $1" context. I
hope the translation for "Header" or "Footer" is not different
depending on if you delete it or if format it.

I wouldn't be so sure. In Estonian, "Delete header/footer" is "Kustuta
päis/jalus", but "Format header/footer" could be "Vorminda päis/jalus" or
"Vorminda päist/jalust" depending on entirety vs. partialness [1]. These
words just so happen to both take only 't' at the end in partitive form, so
"Vorminda $1t" would work, but there may be languages where the words
change differently.

[1] See e.g.

As for the Insert Rows/Columns modal dialog, it was a good catch that
needs to be fixed. But if it have been good enough for the last couple
of years, then I don't think we need to urgently fix it in 3.5 and
break the string freeze. Let's fix it in master. What do you think?

OK by me.

Happy new year!

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