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Hi Rimas, *,

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Rimas Kudelis <> wrote:
2011.02.09 00:44, Christian Lohmaier rašė:
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 10:22 PM, Rimas Kudelis<>  wrote:
2011.02.08 22:32, Christian Lohmaier rašė:
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Rimas Kudelis<>    wrote:

As I understand it, the admin users would not be getting the password prompt
if this option is set to Admin Authorization. Others would be getting it.
IMO, that's a fair enough trade considering that the installer would only
allow to choose the installation disk, and not directory (which means that
/Applications/ in the main disk is the most likely location, and it would
need authorization anyway).

No, OOo/LO can be installed into any directory, there is no artificial
limitation on where to put it. This is a huge benefit.

IMO, it's not such a big problem indeed.

Well, I completely disagree, especially for testers it is very
important to be able to install multiple versions side by side and in
an easy way. And very often those have dedicated playground/testing
accounts to not conflict with the rest of the system, and obviously
those users don't have administrator privileges. So changing the
installer type would be a pain in the a*.

So when you want to test yourself, create a non-administrator user first.

Not necessary. The installer asked me for my password even though I am an
admin. It also asked me to provide my password even when I chose to install
the package into my home directory, how lame is that!

What installer please? There is no package installer that would ask
for a passworf for LO. (and never was). Opening the dmg-bundle and
using drag'n'drop surely doesn't ask when using a target directory
where you have regular write-access.


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