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HI Tuomas, *,

On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 5:31 PM Tuomas Hietala <> wrote:

First, there's the Category feature:

Categories aren't completely new, but were improved, previously there
was the option to create component lists/aggregates of components and
I created
as a first test back in the day, grouping help to their modules as one
way to structure them. I don't know if anyone actually used those for
translation, since they are quite "hidden" in the UI

Currently on TDF Weblate there are dozens of sometimes somewhat
cryptically named components inside each project. You'll get used to
them after a while but we could reduce confusion and speed up navigation
by making use of categories. There could be one category per module
(Writer, Calc, etc.) and some common categories as well, as many
components are used across the whole suite.

Yep, some like cui and svx are used across everything. And it is
certainly possible to add them, but of course weblate doesn't know on
its own, so it would be ideal if someone could compile a hierarchy
that would make sense from a translator's perspective.

Also what we're not really using all that much is prioritization of
components/strings (that would change the order if you were to just
hit translate in a project and not manually pick a component).

I guess as a simple test to see how it looks I'll create a
"dictionaries" component - that is relatively easy to scope, has all
strings following the same pattern/basically only the language name
changes between the strings and thus might be a good candidate to
consolidate that way, also large number of components with few
individual strings...

Second, there's the Workflow customisation feature:

The idea was to allow each language team to make their own decicions
about workflow.

Yes, that's far more preference-dependent/requires input from the
corresponding l10n teams.

So I'm just making sure if it's now okay for teams to
make the switch if they want to?

I don't think our groups currently allow you to switch that yourself,
but you're more than welcome to request a specific workflow for your
language that Sophie or I can then configure for your language/for a
specific project and your language.


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