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On 09.03.2021 11:03, Mike Saunders wrote:
Hi everyone,

In January we announced the "New Generation" project, to bring new and
younger contributors into our communities. Today we're announcing the
first finished work:

The flyer source file is on the wiki here, if anyone wants to translate it:

Feel free to upload a translated version or just email it to me. Then we
can get them printed and start distributing them!

I found that less than ideal and had a go myself :)

(Didn't upload a new version of your file, feel free to do so, and/or
delete it.


So, it isn't so busy now. What came and went?

There is no mention of "OpenOffice" and "MS Office", because who needs

The angle is those are made for respectively Samsung, and users that
don't know
about LO. So what is there to know about LO now that we have the
attention of
people in schools, universities, etc. (Note that "Office suite" isn't
very sexy.

"Powerful" is some self-aggrandizing marketing wank that LO doesn't need.

The term "Open source" is junk. The OSI is a corporate entity irrelevant
to what libre software is.
It spent almost as long masquerading "free software", accomplishing just
about as little.
Neither fit the narrative. _Libre_Office, _Libre_ software.
As an added bonus, there is more of a chance translators use a word that
only means
"free as in freedom", as opposed to what in many languages means "the
source is open".
"Made for you" was halfway OK. "and free" is just selling out the
biggest benefit of LO,
for what is a shortcoming of the English language.

Consequently, when "made for you", what does "and free" really
communicate there?

"The freedom to share it with friends and family" was also not good.
That sounds like some
shareware nonsense.

If we want to say it is gratis, then
lets say so. I think that remains a secondary point to what is on the
board here.
There is some courage in that.

I hope nobody misses there being no all different colours that detract
from details in images.
There is also no dark green textfield in the middle that just draws
attention in all
sort of directions. If hope to never see individual fields with a green
background again.

Keeping it snimple snupple.

- a marketing kingu

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