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Hi :)
Thanks Jonathon (Toki?) and Michael :)  That solved all my questions.

It also seems to match what other people have said in bits&bobs in the
archives but those 2 answers seem to gather plenty of the ideas neatly.
Thanks! :))

Language is too complex for MTs to really understand imo.  Nuances,
implications, hidden meanings and echoes of previous uses of certain
phrases are some of the barriers that i think MTs are never going to be
able to fully cope with.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 2 November 2014 23:59, Michael Bauer <> wrote:

 It's ok for trying to get the gist of some text in a hurry but even 12
years into being a translator, I find translation much faster than
proofreading. Not sure why that is cognitively but I think because you have
to keep jumping - first you read the target, then the source and then you
fix the target but have to keep checking. The longer the sentence, the more
you need to check and if it's a whole paragraph, you get really frustrated
trying to match up the bits of sentence that go together. Whereas when I
translate, I read the source, I punch in the translation, done. Sometimes
you need to check or re-read the source if it was written by a developer on
speed but on the whole, the number of strings you can translate without
going back and forth is much higher.

So I don't think we'd save anything in translators' terms but perhaps
other translators work differently?


02/11/2014 22:03, sgrìobh Tom Davies:

I've often wondered if they might be "good enough" to get rough
translations done well enough for humans to proof-read and polish?  Perhaps
just "good enough" to use alongside the human translators own skill and
knowledge, perhaps to get some inspiration?  Perhaps better for people who
are only just starting to translate things?

*Akerbeltz <>*
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