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2013/10/3 Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild <>


updated. However, since <> does have
useful info in Estonian for users, I would still like to provide a link
to it somewhere on <>,
although this time with a disclaimer.

Personally, I would recommend against that. The site can easily be found
using a search engine. Furthermore, in addition to the freedom issues
already presented, there has been a lot of talk in some Estonian free
software circles that the site is not maintained to a level that would
make it useful.

Okay, but then wouldn't it be good to make it clear that is
not in any way affiliated with TDF? Otherwise the (lack of) relationship
between and would be confusing in my

Would that resolve a part of the problem here?

If I have understood correctly that TDF does not actually play any part
in the maintenance of this site and simply directed people there, and
this redirect has now ended, then I consider the issue, as it relates to
TDF, solved.

Well, actually TDF did not even direct people there, that was my decision,
as I said, because I thought it would be beneficial for users.
But yes, that site has no connection to TDF (afaik).

Perhaps it would help if you, as a representative of FSFE, contacted the
managers of <>, perhaps they are
more motivated to reply to FSFE than to a mere translator.

First, I would gladly contact the managers of this site. Could you send
_me_ an e-mail with their contact details and a _brief_ overview of the
site's background (who? what? why?).

Sure, but I don't really know that much about it.

Second, localisation is of paramount importance, so you are not a mere
translator – you are a translator doing a bunch of great work to make it
possible for more than one million people to use LibreOffice in their
native language, and you are helping to ensure the continuity of
cultural wealth the world knows as languages.

Well, I forgot to add sarcasm tags around "mere translator" :)

Best Regards,

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