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Hi Samson;

Þann þri  7.feb 2012 20:19, skrifaði sam:
I loveLibre Office and I want to have it in my Language
Which is Amharic (Ethiopian)

There are two ways to localize Libre Office. The first one
is in pootie online or download the po files and do it
offline. I choose the offline and download and translated
over 80% of it. a few days ago I saw this message.

Don't work on Libre Office 3.3 localization any more.
Translation of Libre Office 3.5 started.

This means that no more translation updates will be published for LO 3.3, your effort will be waisted unless Andras could merge your translations over to LO 3.4 and 3.5. Many strings will be more/less different though.

I come across this e-mail which says you can upload your
translation. but it doesn't provide any information. I am
new to this. would you be so kind to guide me through this
step by step please?

You could either use a script to achieve this, or simply use a translation memory (TM) to transfer your strings. Software like Virtaal and Lokalize will do (and some more).

For doing this with Lokalize here are some tips: Make a project for LO 3.3, configure all necessary info, then let Lokalize read all your project files into translation memory. Select all folders in the project window, then right click and choose 'Add to translation-memory'. Pull all LO 3.5 project files from Pootle in one Zip-file, unzip the folder structure into its own folder. Again, in Lokalize create a project for LO 3.5 (using the same TM, which is the default I think) and open it in the main window. For each of the files you can open them and choose Tools/Fill in all exact suggestions (and mark as fuzzy). Review and save the file. Beware that this procedure only fills in 100% identical translation strings, when reviewing other strings you may get suggestions for _similar_ strings, which may be easy to adapt into your project.

There are also other ways to do this, but here I just described one quite simple procedure.

Good luck for your work.

Best regards,

Sveinn í Felli

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