How to spell "CustomShape"

Hi all,

I'm going to write a Wiki page about CustomShapes addressed to developers. Text therein will be for example:

1 What is “CustomShape”?
“CustomShape” is a technical term and does not mean “made by the user”. But “CustomShape” is the umbrella term for those shapes, which have an enhanced geometry. These shapes are written as element <draw:custom-shape> in the file markup in ODF format.
Many of these shapes have handles and shape specific glue points. For all of these shapes and only for them the tool “Toggle Extrusion” is active in the UI. Looking at it allows to quickly distinguish a CustomShape from other kind of shapes.

We have already page
There the spelling "custom-shapes" is used.

The Draw guide has "custom shape" in chapter "Text callout".

In the style dialog in the UI we have on tab 'text' the wording "Custom Shape Text".

I am looking for a spelling that makes clear, that it is a technical term for a kind of shapes and that "custom" in this context has nothing to do with "user".

Kind regards

Hi Regina,

In ODF 1.3 part 3, section 10.6 the term "Custom Shapes" is used to
describe the element <draw:custom-shape>. So I believe you could use
"Custom Shape(s)" to write this guide. It would be suitable from the
standpoint of developers.

Rafael Lima

Hi Rafael,

Hi Regina,

In ODF 1.3 part 3, section 10.6 the term "Custom Shapes" is used to
describe the element <draw:custom-shape>. So I believe you could use
"Custom Shape(s)" to write this guide. It would be suitable from the
standpoint of developers.

So you mean a sentence like the following would be OK?
Many Custom Shapes have handles to alter the geometry.

Would it be clear that the part "Custom Shapes" should not be translated?

Using "custom shape" with lower case would surely be translated to "forme personnalisée" (fr) or "benutzerdefinierte Form" (de), for example.

Or do you have an idea how to write something similar to "Fontwork-shape" or "Isosceles Triangle"-shape?
Or so ?
Many "Custom Shape"-shapes have handles to alter the geometry.

Or using a style to make clear that "custom shape" is a technical term? Italic for example? 'Small capitals' seem to be not available in the Wiki.

Kind regards,

Hi Regina,

Taking the sentence you gave as the first example " Many Custom Shapes have
handles to alter the geometry".

I do not see any problem if the term "custom shapes" is translated in this
context. Actually, I think that keeping it in English only will look weird
when the rest of the sentence is translated. Also, it might be better to
use small letters as in "custom shapes".

For example, in pt-BR (translating "custom shapes"):
Muitas formas personalizadas possuem alças para alterar a geometria.

The example above looks better to me than (using "Custom Shapes"
capitalizing first letters):
Muitas Custom Shapes possuem alças para alterar a geometria.

Rafael Lima