Adding Bangla translation

Hello, I'm Pratik from India. I don't know the formal procedure to contact so please don't mind. I noticed that the Bangla language was missing ( probably) in the website and documentation pages. Well, I think I can do a little help by translating. Will you please let me know how to do that ?
Thanks and regards.

Welcome, Pratik!
As Wikipedia say, Bangla is a synonym for Bengali language. Here are two
translating projects for Bengali, both need active support.
Please, contact your project maintainer to get the translating rights.

Hi all,

Welcome, Pratik!
As Wikipedia say, Bangla is a synonym for Bengali language. Here are two
translating projects for Bengali, both need active support.
Please, contact your project maintainer to get the translating rights.

From what I understood, Pratik would like to participate to the
translation of the documentation not of the LibreOffice software. If I'm
wrong, please let me know, I'm the one who can help here :slight_smile: Can one of
you guide Pratik on the translation process of the documentation?
Thanks a lot in advance,