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Trying to join, but got not link for the hangout.

Am I out of time (1PM CET)?


Em 28/10/2016 04:35, Heiko Tietze escreveu:
Hi all,

topics for today:

* Italo has a couple of ideas for what MUFFIN could stand for
  + 1. My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
  + 2. Multiple User Friendly & Flexible INterface
  + 3. My User Friendly INterface
  + 4. MUch Friendlier INterface

tickets to discuss:

* Sentence or paragraph with too many words
  + Pro: Belongs to (internal) grammar check
  + Con: No official rule, so it has to be an extension
  (Ticket has been closed)

* Hyperlink/Link issue (Samuel)

If there is enough time and interest we could talk again about versioning for the Sharepoint 

Looking forward to see you,

Olivier Hallot
LIbreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice 
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-02:00 

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