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Great work! We should also have these meta tickets as the first place
to go for new contributors. What I have in mind is to list all/some at
the wiki with a short explanation. This page would replace the current

2016-10-26 13:48 GMT+02:00 Yousuf Philips <>:
Seems this email hasnt arrived on the design ML because it is still waiting
in the cue, so here it is.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Libreoffice-qa] Better organization of bugs with meta bugs
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 22:38:20 +0000
From: Jay Philips <>
To: LibreOffice-QA <>
CC: LibreOffice Design <>, libreoffice-dev

Hi All,

With the ability to only set the component field to classify bugs to a very
basic level, i believe that meta bugs should be used to further classify
things and provide a needed means of grouping bugs.

The keywords and whiteboard fields have been useful for developers to hunt
down bugs they want to work on, but QA users not aware of these tags wont
set them, which means that some bugs wont appear in such searches. The 'see
also' field has been used to group similar bugs together, but how closely
related these bugs are isnt defined with this association and having a large
list of bugs in the see also area is a clutter.

With the usage of meta bugs, the QA team will be able to

1) Easily group related bugs under a clear meta bug heading, like for a
language group, GSoC project, vcl backend, dialog, etc.


2) Easily find duplicate bugs of a particular topic by only searching
through the bugs in a particular meta bug, which can easily be done with
bugzilla's search or by clicking on the 'show dependency tree' link found on
the meta bug page and then clicking on the 'show resolved' button on the
dependency tree page to show close bugs.


3) Organize bugs not only under one main meta bug, but also have sub-meta
bugs and sub-sub-meta bugs to provide an hierarchically organized structure
to the bugs.


4) Notifying other users CCed on a meta bug of a related bug that they can
possibly triage and fix.

Meta bugs have also helped developers in providing a central place for them
to find all the related bugs of a particular topic they want to work on, as
creating a new keyword or whiteboard tag for this grouping isnt efficient.


So i encourage all users to associate meta bugs to bug reports they submit
and triage and create a new meta bug if a suitable one isnt available and
they have seen enough similar bugs of a similar topic. Adding an alias for
the meta bug is also encouraged, as it will appear on the page of associated
bugs rather than the bug number. For a list of all available meta bugs, you
can find the "Meta bugs" search query[1] listed in the "Saved Searches"
tab[2] of Preferences in Bugzilla.

I've created many meta bugs over the last few months and would appreciate
everyones help in making them as complete as possible. I have just finished
cleaning up the sidebar meta bug[3] over the last 2 days, as it had over 150
bugs associated with it, and plan to continue further organizing its
sub-meta bugs into sub-sub-meta bugs when necessary.





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