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Hi Jakub

On 03/09/2016 09:49 PM, Jakub Trzebiatowski wrote:
I would like to work with dialogs. Preferably "Revamp print dialog".
I'm not very familiar with LibreOffice frameworks yet, but I'm willing
to learn.

The print dialog is likely not something that should have been left on the GSoC page according to the developer managing that task, so i'd suggest you look at something different.

I know its late. Do I still have a chance to take a part?

You can find the important dates here.

If so, maybe could I get some guidance from you?

I'd suggest you stick with projects that already have a dev mentor attached to them like,

* table styles - mentor: kendy
* sidebar - mentor: bubli
* ODF styles in orcus - mentor: marcus

Jakub Trzebiatowski, IRC: ubap


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