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On 04/20/2017 09:01 AM, Sławomir Lach wrote:
My idea is about fit UI of LO for current use reason. When user creates
new document, LO can ask for reason, like printing, notes, etc., so UI
is fit for selected use reason. For example, writter could show text in
webpage view mode, etc. The reason should been written into document.
Another idea is to create link to run LO apps with special parameter,
so user could run for example notes program and system will run
lowritter --notes-ui in resposne.

Best regards,
Lach Sławomir.

Here is a question . .

Will you be able to modify the "reasons" list?

If you want to open a document that will not be for printing but use as a PDF reader file. How about the "notes" option - will there be an ability to modify the type of notes format, or would the "note reason" preformat the page to a specific notes format? Actually, when I write a long document, I start with a "notes" or my outline format. Then I start filling in the sections and sub sections.

I am seeing that if a user could not modify the reason "response", people may not like the default responses. We have so many configuration options available, so Writer, Calc, and the other modules, will configure LibreOffice to what is suited best for our users. My configurations could be very different than yours or others on this list. If we add this type of UI modifications, we need to make sure they are configurable and even "turn off" like spell checking the text while you type the words.

That is my opinion - as in a devil's advocate roll that I have played in mainframe software design, more times than I can remember.

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