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Hi Marc,

On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Marc Paré <> wrote:

This is a note to all of the regular contributors to this list.

I was wondering if we could just do a quick defining of the "Design" list
and its purposes. The reason I ask this is that I find that often people
will post more UX related questions that would be better debated on that

I see the "Design" list as really being a list where LibreOfice design
members are asked questions or asked to help out with designing icons, logo
design, VI requests, designing of any parts of the LibreOffice suite
elements ... essentially all that pertains to designing objects using a
paint/vector programme. This would also include discussions re: needs of
the marketing people.

The UX-design list, I see more a list where the discussion of extending or
modifying the actual look and feel of LibreOffice and not the actual
re-drawing or drawing of new elements using a paintingg/vector programme.
The list is more concerned with discussions and examples of these new
modification to the programme which would lead to some coding changes.

I am not sure if I have described the differences in these two lists
enough for people to understand ... feel free to add your interpretation.

If we could ask people to respect these two differences, then we would
then have a clear difference of the type of work expected on these lists
and perhaps we could then advertise the fact that on the design list we are
really looking for people who are merely interested in the drawing aspect
of design and not that of the true "design" aspect of the distro. We may
then be able to be more focused on our contributions on these two lists?

I find that we sometimes are in the middle of getting some good
contribution done on this list when another post arrives and distracts
enough to lessen the previous contribution and leads to less focus of the

I don't know about the other UX-designers, but it looks like the
UX-members need to constantly watch the "design" list as well as the "UX"
list just in case any UX questions are asked on the design list. We (on the
design list) could do more moderation and ask that any posting of
UX-related items should be re-posted on the correct UX list rather than
allow it to be taken up on the design list. And, the UX members could do
the same thing on the UX list.

Would this sound reasonable to the UX team and the design team?

So far, the design list has been used for discussions among the design team
members, whereas the ux-advise list has been used as a communication hub
between devs and designers, intended as a way for devs to ask UX advice
(hence the "-advise" part). That's also been the official definiton of the
two lists:
* design list: "Discussions list of the LibreOffice Design Team, covering
user experience design and visual identity design." [1]
* ux-advise list: "Meeting ground for hackers and UX experts - get advise
here for user experience questions" [2]

I've been quite happy with the way it's worked so far. It's true that
designers who are interested in more than graphic design should follow two
lists, but I don't see that as a huge issue.


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