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I agree with what I've quoted below. Let's see if we can make a variation of the brochure, or an 
alternative version, that's suitable for laser or inkjet printing. When I get home tomorrow from my 
latest travels, I'll look at the official brochure; I've not had a chance to do so yet. 

I think it's important to have both high-end and low-end materials available for volunteers to use. 
Some printing projects can be funded from organisations like Friends of OpenDocument, but being 
able to run off a few copies as needed greatly extends opportunities for marketing. 


On 02/04/2013, at 7:44, Kracked_P_P---webmaster <> wrote:

I want to have a brochure or template, or other marketing materials that is "approved" and 
"branded" that our local people can use.  We need to have marketing materials that can be use by 
local home/office printing systems.  We need materials that can be printed at 20 or 30 at a time, 
or the numbers that are going to be used for the person doing the local marketing.


We need marketing materials created by our design and marketing people that can be used my the 
local people who have little abilities or talents to design their own.  We need to have brochures 
and other documents that can be printed on home/office equipment that is available to the local 
users to market LibreOffice to the market that cannot afford the expense of high end printing or 
packages like MSO.


The reason I got involved with trying to update the brochure for LibreOffice, was to update it by 
nearly 2 years.  I wanted to have an officially approved and branded brochure and maybe other 
marketing items that the person could print or somehow buy on a low budget and hand out to their 
local market, be it college students or at a group of business people who want to be able to 
spend money on other things than renting MS Office products.  We need to have a collection of 
marketing documents, and "swag" designs that can be printed locally or ordered at an affordable 
price for people with smaller amounts of money to spend, like most people I know locally.

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