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MS has always been at the antipode of ergonomics. And they keep
moving in the *wrong* direction. "Ribbons" as well as the totally
ridiculous Windows 8 GUI - try to accomplish *any* work with it,
you'll rather end up tossing the screen through the closed window
of your office - are just the latest cerebral flatulances emanating
from their "product managers' "brains".

Wow, you're noticing you're quite harsh there, right?

You can't say anything "harsh" about certain issues or individuals...

...because no matter what language you use and which words you choose,
everything you could express by linguistic means would just be a
recklessly embellishing, dangerously softening euphemism compared to
the actual facts.

I don't think you're entirely justified here: Microsoft do a lot of
user testing and research, even if their execution is occasionally
lacking a bit (as with Office 2007 and even more so with Windows 8).

MS products have always been totally unusable garbage.

*Never* take products made by managed corporations as examples to

I am not sure this attitude helps.

It could. If FOSS developers would stop mimicking the *worst* examples.

Use *exclusively* whitespace to group objects.

That's probably a good suggestion, but where do we take all that white
space from?

You simply replace the "seperation lines", "Frames" etc. pixel by pixel
with the background color.



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