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Hi Björn,

So: Galaxy? As it is the default theme?

Hm, not any more, LibreOffice uses the Tango theme by default (and this
is the theme that should be tested).
Galaxy is still Open Office's default theme, however, it nearly only
works well on Windows and well, the LibreOffice devs want to avoid too
much visual sameness with Apache's project.

No, because the icons loose their initial meaning and become a learned symbol. 
I am really in doubt if it makes sense to modify the metaphor to use something 
different in these cases. There are tons of examples in the same class (who 
uses shiny metal containers for a database nowadays?)

I have no idea what those cylindrical objects are supposed to mean, tbh.
So, yes, I know these are supposed to mean something like "data base" –
but it has nothing to do with my real life/world. I somehow think just
relying on such learned symbols is a bit of a perilous path...

Would be happy to see you there :) - I will definitely need help on this 
journey :)

I have registered now, so you could now add me to the team. (By the way,
my asking whether I could join via the internal messaging system bounced
off apliki's server.)


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