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Why do we need to design for the ability to use the valium buttons. Won't
it just change slides when the user hits them. Or do we need to design the
option in the settings menu?
On May 12, 2012 6:08 PM, "Mirek M." <> wrote:

Hi everyone,
Just received word from Andrej, the student working on the Impress remote
GSoC project [1].
Alex is shaping the tentative design for that, though there is still room
for feedback and discussion.
We also have some things that still need to be designed: a place to select
computers, a screen that tells you if no computers are detected, the PIN
generator, the PIN entrybox in Impress (desktop version), a place to choose
whether to auto-decline calls (perhaps with a message that could be sent to
people trying to call), and a place to choose whether to use volume buttons
for moving between slides. I'm thinking most of these could be done within
a "Settings" screen, but anyone can add a proposal to
As he's in charge of the whiteboard now, Alex will design these. If no
better designs come up, Alex's designs will be used. If better designs come
up, they'll be used instead.

Here's the message I received from Andrej:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mirek M. <>
Date: 2012/5/12
Subject: Re: GSoC project
To: "Andrzej J. R. Hunt" <>

Hi Andrej,

2012/5/12 Andrzej J. R. Hunt <>

Hi Mirek,

I had a look at the whiteboard -- it looks excellent!

Great. :)

On 01/05/12 00:31, Mirek M. wrote:

If so, we already have a whiteboard dedicated to the topic:
Please take a look at the scope and change it if it needs to be changed
-- the scope gives direction to the overall design; it's imperative that
the designers know the restrictions beforehand.

The scope looks exactly like what I would imagine it to be -- there
any problems with what is there.


Right now we're brainstorming designs, then we're going to look at the
different problems revealed during the brainstorming process, then we're
going to try to agree on a solution to each problem. You will have the
final say on each problem, of course. Based on these solutions, we will
start crafting a tentative design. We'll need some input from you in
phase, unless you decide to trust us with the final design.

I'd like to trust you with the final design -- I don't have much
experience doing such design, and what I've seen so far is already far
detailed than anything I would have been able to design.

Alright, thanks.

If I could add just one thing to "Advancement of slides": I was
considering whether it would be useful to also allow the use of hardware
buttons, specifically on my phone the volume button is ideally placed so
that I can hold the phone in one hand, with the display visible and my
thumb on the volume control, meaning I can also change slides while not
looking at the phone if needed. However this would probably have to be
disable by default to prevent problems with users not expecting such

Ok, we'll include it, then.

Also some information that might be useful for the "Initial Setup"
secction: when complete the app will be able to use both networking and
bluetooth, i.e. at startup it will be possible to obtain a list of
available computers to connect to -- I haven't however thought about how
this should be presented to the user, or how selection of computer should
be done. It might also be necessary to tell the user if wifi/bluetooth
isn't enabled.

OK, we'll design with that in mind.


Andrzej Hunt


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