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- Do we need recently-used colors? If yes, should they be shared across all
LibO modules, across a single LibO module, or apply only to the current

I believe that if the user changes the text color from their default color,
then a document colors section should be appended to the drop down. but
till they use any other color the section will be hidden.  this would also
go for the different color tools.

by that I mean if my document has some text formatted all different colors,
and I then go to highlight a word I would not see the document colors. I
would not see the document colors in there until I change the highlighting
of some text in the document.

- Do we want to go with AutoPreview? If yes, we'll need a rough
specification for that before we start with the color stuff (we need a
general spec for all who also want to implement AutoPreview).

by this do you mean that when a user hovers over the different colors in
the color picker the text would change color, but if they did not select
that color the text would go back to its original color?

if that is what you mean then yes, we should make that part of the color
picker. I can not stand when in GIMP or InkScape that the font, font size,
and color does not change when you hover over them.  I would imagine that
would be the same if I was ever to change the color in a document.

- Do we want to have something like Themes for the current document (Theme:
Color Palette is bound to the Document/Template and not to the current

I have never used themes for any kind of document. or I guess I should say
that I have only ever changed my themes manically not knowing the power of
styles.  this video [1] shows how M$ Word does themes. Iv never clicked on
that button so I looked it up.

ok so yes, I think that themes would be a cool addition to LibreOffice
(that is if its not already).  but it should be its own whiteboard. what
ever we decide for the color picker should be used throughout all
LibreOffice, with possible changes depending on what you are changing the
color of.

I am now interested in a theme so I mite make a mockup for it.

- Do we want to work on a new LibO specific color palette?

what does this mean?

- Do we need "structured" data for the color palette files? (Proposed Meta
Data: Name, Comment, Author, Date/Version; plus Name, color values for each

I have already given my solution to this problem. like I have said before,
I am an artist that got into programming so Im quite odd in that I can
think like an artist and a dev. I know what looks good and about how it
should work. Im still learning programming so I can not just go work on
anything we are or I would.

Any way, we do not need to change the meta data of the file to achieve
document colors, custom colors, or the standard colors. to mess with the
meta data will increase the size of the document. not much but the user
cares about ever little megabite. so why make the document bigger when
there is a way not to.  LibreOffice already knows the format of the
document, otherwise every time I sent you a doc the formatting would go
back to the default, and the users would hate that. so all we would have to
do is make the color picker scan the document and look for different colors
then the users default color. if it finds anything then the document
colors. custom colors are your colors, so all that would be stored in your
LibreOffice settings somewhere.

- How should colors within a document but not available in the included
palettes be labeled? How will the user know that this is a "non-standard"
color? How does LibO set the name ("Color n", n=number)?

Document Colors? or are you saying a color that is red but not apart of
the predefined colors. so if you looks at my  mock up, the teal in the
custom colors is not the same as any of the blues in the standard colors.
if thats what your talking about then we have to give it some name like the
"Color n" and "n=number" what ever those are. corse we do not have to tell
the user what the color is at all, is that an option.


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