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That would be during weekdays and weekends. You don't have to change the
meeting time; I can read the transcripts and try to make them as much as I
can. When you asked for which times to pick and to disregard the date
(that's how I understood your original message), I picked the following
times after I picked "America/New York" from the drop-down menu of the
poll. I thought the poll would convert the original times to their
equivalents in my time zone. These were the ones that I picked:

4:00 PM- 6:00 PM
6:00 PM- 8:00 PM
8:00 PM- 10:00 PM

If it didn't do that, then I apologize. That's what I thought that option
would do.
~ Maggie

On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Mirek M. <> wrote:

2012/3/31 King Duck <>


No. I must have picked the wrong options. Generally I am 4 hours behind
(I'm on Eastern Daylight Time right now). So the best times for me are 12
PM-2PM EDT or 8 PM EDT - 11 PM EDT. I just saw that you had a chat at
PM GMT, but over here it's only 10 AM. I'm not at home during that time
during the week.

"During the week" -- should I interpret that as during weekdays or as
during weekdays+on the weekend?
I'm a bit hesitant to change the timing of the upcoming chat at such short
notice, but the time of day for our weekly meetings is definitely still up
for debate.
Could you please fill out the poll [1] again?


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