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Hi Mirek,

Here's what I'd suggest. Since 95% of the time, the user will use the
dialog to pick a template, let's use single-click to open a template. Let's
have a selection mode with which the user could select and move files.

I guess that's helpful for Tablet LibO... For desktop LibO the
behaviour seems extremely inconsistent.
Almost all desktop file managers have an option that allows opening
files/folders with a single click, but I've yet to see one where this
was deemed so useful to be enabled by default (I guess KDE 3 Konqueror
used to have it enabled by default, but that is the only app I
remember – in Dolphin, this choice was reverted, too).

Lastly, template categories should be managed inside the Template dialog,
not from Options (it's bloated enough :) ). How about having an options
button (with a gear icon, I presume) next to every category heading, which
would trigger a menu including options to rename or delete the category
(deleting the category would simply move its templates to the
"Uncategorized" category). There could be an "Add category" button at the
bottom of the template grid.

Sounds good...


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