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On Fri, 2011-11-25 at 00:31 +0000, Greg wrote:
How modular is the LibO code base? In other words, do we have separate
*       document model (Model)
*       page renderer | slide renderer |  drawing renderer &c. (View)
*       bunch of action modules (one for each user action), that can
be rendered 
as menu/context items, toolbar items, or API calls (Controller) 

At the framework level this sort of model view separation is enforced,
and each menu item, icon, context menu item etc is represented
internally as a "command", which is mapped to an event ID.

Also these commands are what you see in the list of actions in the key
bindings page.

I suppose that answers your question.


Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc

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