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A few days ago, Alexander Wilms asked about new handles...
So, I created some. It would be great if you could try them.

* Before: make sure you have a recent LibO 3.5 nightly
(contains a patch for alpha transparency of handles) [1] installed.

* To install: Download the modified Tango theme file from: [2].
Replace the file contained in (LibO folder
[3])/share/config/ with the newly downloaded version of it.
If you only see a single file there, it might be best to replace this
file (just rename the file downloaded from Rapidshare).

*To use: Make sure you use the Tango theme (default in most cases, except
Ubuntu, I think)

** Make sure to enable "Simple handles" and "Large handles" in all
applications you want to try (small handles will also work, but will
look extremely small).

What's different?

* There is a 1px translucent white border around most handles, so you
can easily see them on similarly coloured backgrounds (this sadly
makes all handles look smaller than they are -- I hope this is not too
much of a problem)

* Most handles are themselves translucent, so e.g. when modifying
curves you can see the nodes through the handles.

* The handles use Tango colours (so they should be well integrated
into our default theme).

What's still buggy?

* There is a little blue cross that appears when moving glue points. I
have no idea how that can be themed.

* All handles are resized to (n-1)px * (n-1)px of their nominal size,
this makes them look more fuzzy than need be. (This is a LibO bug, I
hope it gets fixed in the next few days.)

Feedback very welcome.

Also, what would be great if someone would create a matching set of
handles for the Galaxy theme (or other themes that interest you). I've
uploaded the SVG "templates" here:
All the handles that are not contained in the set of "Tango" handles I
created should be unnecessary (but I can't guarantee that, so if you
want to make very sure you have everything, do create all).


[0] Released under CC0.
[1] (If you're on Windows,
your best chance appears to be the MinGW-compiled version)
[2] Not exactly the uploading site of choice, I know, but my wiki
account seemingly has some hiccups.
[3] usually "/usr/share/libreoffice/basis3.5" on Linux; usually "C:/Program
Files/LibreOffice 3.5" on Windows (or wherever else you extracted LibO
dev build to

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