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I'm personally not so sure about the vertical tabs.
If the tabs are similar to the one you can use on chromium for instance, you
save more screen realestate than with a vertical bar.
Using tab should be very discreet since it's not necessary for your activity
in one doc, but could increase your efficiency when you work on several
documents at the same time.

-- Cyril Arnaud
On Jun 11, 2011 12:13 AM, "planas" <> wrote:
Hi Phil and Patrick

On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 09:54 +1200, Phil Jackson wrote:

Hi Patrick

This could work also if there was an option for vertical tabs to the
left. Certainly it is important for Writer to maximise vertical space
for document display and some users (including me) would like to see
this idea as an option on the left or right.

It could be part of another toolbar with a maximum list of 3-5 items
that could be scrollable, on top of a list of other tools.

I think that having a single click of keyboard command that switches
between documents is essential - I'm sure I am not in the minority in
sometimes wanting to be able to switch quickly between two different
documents either for comparison purposes or to copy and paste between

It also therefore raises an interesting new idea which might be beyond
the scope of this suite - have a mode where you can display two
different documents side-by-side, each with its own vertical scroll
bars, displayed in slightly shrunk fonts with the ability to copy and
paste directly between the two. Obviously you can change the screen size
of two different sessions of Write and achieve the same but this takes a
little time and you still get unnecessary duplication of menus. On some
wide screens this would be very useful occasionally and again something
that would give it another point of difference.

This idea could be used for Calc.


Phil Jackson

On 6/11/2011 8:55 AM, Patrick Scott wrote:
Hi all.

What do people think about tabbed documents a la Lotus Symphony. I
have much use for it myself but I keep seeing the suggestion pop up in
comments on forums and articles etc so it's seems like it might be an
important feature for some [and another means of differentiating
from OO and MS Office]. I've looked a few pages back through the
and couldn't see any mention of it and since I've only been on this
list for
a couple of days I thought I'd just ask if it was on the radar for

Tabbed Documents in Lotus Symphony:


The side by side view would be very useful in Writer and Calc. Also,
Phil I think you correct about the placement on the side.

Jay Lozier

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