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Hi Charles, Nik, all

Charles-H. Schulz schrieb:
Bernhard, all,

2011/5/30 Bernhard Dippold<>

Hi all,

If I count correctly, the final voting shows that most of our active
members prefer Nik's design 1b over the other ones.

As this had to be decided very fast, we might have missed
important input and contribution, but we will be able to evolve
this design for the next conference.

What I'd like to see worked on for a final
LibreOffice Conference 2011 Logo
(I'm at work so I can't contribute much):

- update the wiki page showing the result at the top
- provide different files for online (RGB) and print usage (CMYK):

Nik's SVG files have been converted from CMYK to RGB
leading to modified colors that need to be corrected.

He used the official branding colors, but the SVG files show different
RGB values for Green0 and Green2 at least (didn't look at the other
colors by now).

Can someone get these files out of Nik's ZIP and update the colors?

I did some corrections - please have a look, Nik:

1) I added an empty rectangle to the image showing the whitespace area and resized the image to this format.

As half the width of the symbol looks very crowded in my eyes, I added the full width of the document symbol around the official LibreOffice logo (leaving much less space to the conference part of the logo).

2) I changed the colors to comply with the branding colors (Green0 and Green 2) in RGB.

3) I created two different sizes of the exported PNG files:
352x90 px for website use and 2298x587px (300DPI) for larger banners etc.

I didn't add the whitespace to the inverted and greyscale versions (and the colored EPS).

If anybody could jump in, this would be great!

Best regards


Here are the files:

Updated wiki page:

ZIP file (with some files not yet worked on):

SVG source file (with broken preview and missing "O" triangles in Conference in my browser..)

352x90 PNG:

2298x587 PNG:

Best regards


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