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On 2023-12-14 18:59, FARHAN ISHRAK Fahim wrote:
No, it is not happening on windows. I can write the name of the file.
However, I cannot change the location or directory.

It worked just fine in a quick test of mine with LibreOffice 7.6 and NVDA 2023.3. When using "File" -> "Save As" (or the Ctrl+Shift+S keyboard shortcut), the Windows file dialog shows up. Initial focus is on the edit field where you can enter a file name, but using the Tab key, you can get to the place were you can select another directory.

As Jason mentioned, this is the Windows system file dialog, the same that gets used by other applications as well.

Does it work for you for other applications, like Notepad?

If it works for other applications, but not LibreOffice: Can you retry after starting LibreOffice in safe mode?

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