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I just confirmed that spelling errors are being reported by Orca under Linux as expected.

On an unrelated issue, the accessibility of comments in LibreOffice Writer was recently raised on the Orca mailing list. Change tracking (reporting of insertions and deletions) is an associated feature that has not, to my knowledge, been made accessible to screen reader users in LibreOffice. Anyone needing to make effective use of comments and change tracking using a screen reader would likely need to turn to a proprietary office application instead, for which the necessary API support has been in place for some time.

On 12/10/23 08:02, Michael Weghorn wrote:

On 2023-10-07 23:25, Michael Weghorn wrote:
That sounds plausible. As mentioned in my previous email, I'm planning to take a closer look at this. Since it works with other applications (like Word or Thunderbird) and NVDA is free and open source, too, I'm optimistic that it'll be possible to identify what's missing on either LibreOffice or NVDA side.
(According to Jason, this already works as expected with Orca on Linux.)

Update on the non-announcement of spelling errors with NVDA:

LibreOffice on Windows currently does not expose spelling errors via text attributes, but NVDA uses the red underline for misspelled words to detect misspelled words.

LO also doesn't specify the character attributes it currently reports according to the IAccessible2 text attribute specification [1], but uses its own attribute names and values, which NVDA evaluates in its LibreOffice-specific app module [2].

I think the best way forward is to switch to adhere to the IAccessible2 specification and report the "invalid:spelling" attribute for spelling errors. That also needs a modification in NVDA to longer expect the custom attributes.

Once that's implemented, we'll see whether that already makes the announcement of misspelled words work as expected or more is needed.

I'm currently working on that, see the following bug report I created for more details:


[1] [2]

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