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On 2023-09-25 23:59, Stéphane Guillou wrote:
Thank you for reaching out. I believe that the screen reader issue has already been reported by others, at least in three reports (that could potentially benefit from some consolidating):


Thanks for pointing to these. I've at least linked them with each other for now (via the "See also" field in Bugzilla).

Michael Weghorn might be able to summarise the situation regarding the technical aspects.

Marco Zehe provided useful input earlier that I copied to comment 1 in back then.

Reading that suggests that making this work properly will likely be quite some work in both, LibreOffice and screen readers.

Regarding changing the slides, what controls did you try using? Using the keyboard arrows did not work?

Switching the slides using the arrow keys does work for me.
When just using a single screen, nothing is announced, so this may not be noticeable for a blind person.

I can confirm what Jason wrote, though:

On 2023-09-25 23:52, Jason White wrote:
> It used to be the case that you needed to run the Presenter Console for
> the presentation to be accessible with a screen reader. I don't know
> whether this has changed in recent years.

If I use a dual screen setup and the presenter console is enabled ("Tools" -> "Options" -> "LibreOffice Impress" -> "General" -> "Enable Presenter Console" is active), at least the newly active slide number is announced, e.g. "Current slide, slide 2, 2 of 2". (The slide content is not announced then either, though.)

Farhan, are you using a single screen?

Best regards,

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