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Hi :)

I like the sound of ... 
"It is sometimes good to meet as a team with 3rd party software 
providers to see what kind of progress or what type of cooperative 
development could take place."

Could TDF buy dev time from RedHat or SUSE or Canonical or another supporter of TDF or at least 
someone that  does understand OpenSource and is able to work alongside volunteers and inspire them 
and perhaps build-up a team.  

So, what i would like to see is a person working at a slightly higher level than a dev but 
focussing on developing a team to work on accessibility issues.  Perhaps only part-time but with a 
job title such as 

"Community Development Officer" (for Accessibility) or
"Development Co-ordinator" or
"Development Lead" 

Waiting for a volunteer to happen to take interest has got nowhere is 2 years although a few people 
have put in a lot of hard-work and done some great things (most recently Stuart but there have been 

Regards from
Tom :)  

From: Marc Paré <>
To: LibO Mailing List Accessibility <>; Florian Effenberger 
Sent: Tuesday, 20 November 2012, 15:48
Subject: [libreoffice-accessibility] Re: Funding Wishlist

This may be more a question to Florian as well as the accessibility team.

As LibreOffice Accessibility is a barrier to the acceptance of LibreOffice in many 
governmental/educational/institutional systems worldwide, would it reasonable if there was a 
funding request for dev outsourcing for a particular area of accessibility where code development 
is lagging?

To the accessibility team, if there was funding available for such a thing, what would your items 
be and in order of preference. I know in my local school boards Dragon Speaking is a requirement, 
that is, unless there is an equivalent replacement.

What items would you suggest?


Another funding wishlist item could be that the TDF/LibreOffice help fund an Accessibility 
conference where some of the leading members of the accessibility team along with other interested 
partners could meet to try to solve bottlenecks in development for LibreOffice.

It is sometimes good to meet as a team with 3rd party software providers to see what kind of 
progress or what type of cooperative development could take place.


Would there be any other items that you could think of to put on your wishlist?



-- Marc Paré Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports

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