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Sorry, also meant to say that if you are on a 32-bit Windows, your JAVA underscore HOME variable 
set to a value of "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7" is correct. 
The CLASSPATH is not strictly needed as the .DLL files in the \bin directory should resolve things 
correctly, but if set they need to be correct.
You listed CLASSPATH setting has an extra backslash. And also rather than the setting CLASSPATH to  
\bin it should probably be to the lib\ext directory, e.g.  CLASSPATH= "C:\Program 
Files\Java\jre7\lib\ext" as this is where the access-bridge.jar and jaccess.jar program archives 
reside as JAR files.
If on 64-bit Windows, the path for JAVA_HOME=  would be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7", and the 
entry in the PATH would be ";%JAVA_HOME%\bin"  Similar adjustment for CLASSPATH if you define that.


From: V Stuart Foote []
Sent: Sun 10/28/2012 5:19 PM
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-accessibility] Java Accessibility restored to LOdev3.6 development 
builds, on hold for LibO 3.6.4


You are correct that the average user should not have to deal with the minutia of configuration 
details needed to make programs functional.  But this is developmental code that requires 
testing--so entails a level of mastery of system and application configuration that goes beyond the 
skills of the average user. 

Clearly you have that or you would not even be attempting this.

As you know, the Java Access Bridge configurations have been especially troublesome. Jamal Mazrui 
prepared the JWin installer package for Java Access Bridge v2.0.2 using Inno installation 
scripting.  It works well, especially for a new installation.  But with the inclusion of the Java 
Access Bridge v2.0.3 with JRE 1.7 builds from update 6 forward, the JWin  scripted installation no 
longer correctly functions. JWin has to be uninstalled, and the JRE 1.6 installations should be 
removed, and the environment variables--JAVA_HOME, PATH and possibly CLASSPATH--edited to remove 
any Java references,  and set everything normal.

With the uninstall complete, the registry keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft and 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JreMetrics should be deleted. On 64-bit systems those keys are 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft and JreMetrics.

Then following reboot, and with no JRE on the system, download and install as Administrator only 
the  offline JRE 1.7u9 for  Windows x86 Offline from 
<> , there is 
a radio button to Accept License Agreement to be toggled from another to Decline License Agreement 
before the download link "Windows x86 Offline - jre7u9-windows-i586.exe" becomes active.

Now reestablish the JAVA_HOME variable, and insert ";%JAVA_HOME%\bin" into the PATH variable.

And if you'd run LibreOffice 3.5.7 or LOdev 3.6 or Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 you should find and 
delete the javasettings_Windows_x86.xml configuration files and delete them--they'll be rebuild 
with defaults against the PATH and JAVA_HOME variable just established.

Or, the alternative is the delete the whole per user configuration folders in  Win7 or Vista at  
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice or LOdev or respectively and let it 
rebuild, but you will need to navigate the Tools -> Options -> Java and Tools -> Options -> 
Accessibility panels to reenable Java and Assistive Technologies.  A little tough to do because 
these configuration frames do not enable accessibility for their radio button and check boxes 
beyond what Microsoft MSAA or UI provides. If you can get someone to look over your shoulder- for 
just a moment-you'll have a much better go at it.



From: Kevin Cussick []
Sent: Thu 9/27/2012 4:15 PM
To: V Stuart Foote
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Java Accessibility restored to LOdev 3.6 development 
builds, on hold for LibO 3.6.4


OK I downloaded the latest dev version I will get the version number and
  installed making sure the jab switch was enabled under  the ease of
access center under the use the computer without a display, the box use
the access bridge is checked. to cut the story short lo still dose not
work! disappointing. I will give you the latest version now stand
I don't really understand about the environment I see under the
properties of the computer there is an advanced system settings I see 2
entry 1 is 1 I created my self the path reads like this copied from the
computer CLASSPATH; Value: C:\program files\java\jre7\\bin       the second
one reads like this maybe this what is wrong and I will get it stand
buy, Java; Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7 I am a bit new to this and
I really don't think it should be expected that the average computer
user should have to muck about with this to get it working but I would
never the less appreciate some help with these two paths and maybe this
is why it doesn't work with thanks as always.

On 26/10/2012 22:45, V Stuart Foote wrote:
The developers have resolved the LibO source code issue for Assistive
Technologies for  Windows builds  using Java Accessibility API and the Java
Access Bridge mappings.

Unfortunately, not quite in time for the LibO 3.6.3 release that is now
building from the rc2 code base for a publish target Oct 29 - Nov 4th.

The fix WILL be in place for the LibO 3.6.4 builds due for publishing the
week of Dec 3 - 9.

In the interim, LibO 3.5.7  Accessibility for Windows users is intact.

Or,  for the intrepid willing to work with the -LOdev-3-6 developmental
code, daily builds of the  -3-6 Windows branch are available at this link:

It is limited to language support for English, French and Spanish and lacks
a few of the extensions but is otherwise pretty stable.

But if you are really adventuresome , the Developers are always looking for
folks willing to test and report on the current builds of the master
developmental code.  The daily builds systems for Windows (each a TinderBox)
are a little erratic, for example waiting on a sucessful build of the
current master code to test accessibility in LOdev 3.7, but the Devs get
that sorted out pretty quickly.  And they do appreciate getting earlier

Here is the link to the daily TinderBox builds of master
<>    where forWindows build of
LOdev 3.7 you'll want  TinderBox 6 Win-x86@6 (MSVC)
<>   or   TinderBox 7
Win-x86@7-MinGW (MinGW)
<>  .

The build time is the folder name, you'll want to download the latest and if
a site is really old, it means there were build problems with that
server--for example the two TinderBoxes 6 & 7 are both very stale due to an
error in the build system that is being worked on.

All agree that catching the problem with lack  Java Accessibility support
should not have made it past the first release of the LibO 3.6 branch!
Having more users comfortable with working with the developmental builds
will help a lot when the call comes for testing.

Please do help.


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