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Hi :)  
I am not sure if Tom Randall is on this list.  You guys seem to have solved a lot of these java 
issues so i thought forwarding the thread here just in case you can help hi8m where others can't.  

Also i made a rough wiki-page that is intended to help people solve java issues.
I think it might need sub-pages to deal with issues such as the bridge.  If you are able to 
radically rewrite the wiki-page to make it useful and need me to make extra sub-pages then please 
just let me know through this list.  It sometimes takes me a couple of days to react so my 
apologies for being so slack!  If you are new to wiki-editing then i might be able to help with 
formatting and other issues.   
Regards from
Tom :)  

--- On Mon, 27/8/12, Tom Randall <> wrote:

Hi Bob and all.

I've been through the wringer on this and have still not got much of anywhere.  It seems some 
people have major problems with this and some just don't seem to.  I spent well over an hour going 
through the steps listed on bugzilla that were supposed to fix this, e.g. uninstalling java 
completely, cleaning the registry, installing the new java, setting the javahome variable and path, 
re-installing the JAB, etc. etc.

This did sort of fix my problem, LO at least no longer says that my JRE is defective when I try to 
enable accessibility.  However from what I can tell the accessibility is still not working 
correctly.  Supernova still does not read my menus or the state of checkboxes.  NVDA doesn't either 
so I know it is not a Supernova problem.  I have no idea what to do at this point and am frankly 
about to give up on this.  Don't misunderstand me, the folks on this list have been very helpful 
trying to help me figure this out.  However while telling me that LO isn't the problem and that 
it's Windows and Java is all good and fine and I actually do believe this is the case, it does not 
fix this and I still have a productivity suite that does not allow me to be productive.  This is 
not something I am fooling around with as some sort of project, I depend on it for getting 
paperwork done for my work.  I used to recommend this package for my students especially
 those on a limited income and I probably still will for the very few tech savvy ones I get but for 
most of them if you start talking to them about Javahome variables and setting paths they're going 
to ask you what the living hell you're blabbering about.  I swore I'd never give Microshaft another 
dime for an Office package but that's what they use where I work and unless I get someplace with 
this pretty quick I may not have a choice.

Apologies to the list for the rant, I realize this thing is a work in progress and it's free and 
all that, however this is a serious issue for me. I really want to be able to offer people an 
alternative to shelling out 150 bucks for a word processor and spreadsheet but I won't be able to 
unless I find a reasonable way to fix this.

Best regards,


-----Original Message----- From: Bob McDonald
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 5:22 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice and Java

I'm having a bit of a bother with any version of Libreoffice installed with JRE 1.7 on Windows 7.

Libreoffice crashes on start with any version of Java JRE greater than 1.6. If I go back to 1.6 I'm 

Anyone else having issues?

If so and this is a new bug, what do you want to see?



Bob McDonald
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