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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Björn Balazs <>
Date: 2012/9/26
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Testing LO Icons - translators needed!
Cc: Sophie Gautier <>

Hi all,

we (some guys from the LO-Design team) are currently
preparing a series of studies to have users judge the
quality of the icons we use in LO.

We would be very happy to publish these studies in as
many languages as possible, as icons do have a cultural
aspect to them, which we are also interested in.

The preperation of the english version of the first
study has finished, so now we need your help in
translating the study!

For any of the following languages translation is easy:
French, Spanish, Polish, Portugees, Italian (English &
German already exist)

If you are interested in providing any other language,
please mail me directly - we will have to do some
preperations for thoses (the platform does not provide a
frame for other languages yet).

For any available language you can simply do the
translation directly on the webinterface. To do so,
please first register as a member of our team:

1. Register on (Please do not mind
the ToS too  much - these will be improoved together
with the FSFE)

2. Confirm your E-Mail Adress

3. Go to 'Public products' and find LibreOffice. Click
it and choose the tab 'Team' and hit the button 'become

4. Send me a mail and I will approve you as a member of
the team asap.

To do the translation do the following:

1. Go to the LibreOffice Project on UserWeave

2. Click on Study - In Preperation - 201209_Icontest

3. Click on 'Configuration' in the tab bar (on the very

4. Click on languages (in the second tab-bar)

5. Click on 'Add language' on the bottom of the section
'Languages of study' and select the language you want to
translate the study in. If your language is not
available, send me a mail.

6. Click on on the button 'Translate' to start
translating or improving an existing translation of the

Some known issues / hints for translating:
- There is a tiring list of countries - only translate
those that people speaking your language are likely to
live in.
- To translate the icon terms, please use exactely the
terms that LO translation is using.
- When you take a look at the translation, the terms of
the icons might show up in the language of your browser
locale - not in the selected language. That is a known
bug and should not affect the study.

We want to start the study possibly on sunday - so not a
lot of time for localizations! If it is too short for
your language - do not worry, we will do more of these
studies and no effort will be wasted, so please start
anyhow :) (Following studies will copy most existing

Please contact me for any questions!

Thanks for your help!

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