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A Document Foundation acaba de recibir o recoñecemento oficial de
existencia como entidade legal radicada na Alemaña.

O máis importante é que se traduciron a termos legais os principios de
funcionamento do software libre polo que constitúe o máis importante
exemplo en Europa e un modelo de entidadade legal, única, indepedente
de calquera empresa ou particular ou grupo. Unicamente autocentrado na
súa propia comunidade.

2012/2/20 Florian Effenberger <>:
The Document Foundation officially incorporated in Berlin, Germany

New entity has been legally created on February 17th, 2012
German Stiftung to provide strong and enduring rights for the LibreOffice

Berlin, February 20th, 2012. The Document Foundation today announces that it
has been officially incorporated in the state of Berlin, Germany. The legal
form of the entity is a German "rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen
Rechts", a form based on the governance model the LibreOffice community has
chosen. On Friday afternoon, February 17th, the incorporation certificate,
signed by the state secretary, has been handed over by the authorities. With
this legal act, the entity officially came to life and is legally

A picture shortly after the reception of the incorporation certificate, and
a copy of the certificate itself, is available at
The legally binding German version of the statutes are available at
For convenience, an English translation of the statutes, which is not
legally binding, is available at

"We are proud of having achieved this major milestone. During the last
months, we have been working extensively to incorporate the bylaws into
legally binding statutes, to provide a stable and safe basis for our future"
said Thorsten Behrens, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the new Foundation.
He adds: "Our primary focus was on the membership element. Those who are
approved members have inalienable, strong rights, embedded into the
statutes. Since we have been aiming to be a German Stiftung, those rights
are guaranteed by law, and enforced by the authorities. The Document
Foundation is the legal affirmation of the community spirit - an entity by
the community, for the community, and an entity independent from any single

Michael (Mike) Schinagl, a Berlin-based lawyer who has been working on the
incorporation process, explained: "The creation of such a Foundation is
unique in the history of free software. There are not many, if any, entities
that guarantee such strong rights to active contributors. Embedding those
into legal language was a tremendous task, but one that was very worthwile.
The Foundation and its statutes provide the ideal grounds for a free office
ecosystem, including users, developers, marketeers, adopters, service
providers and many, many more, and they can serve as an example for other
communities with similar goals."

The donor is the German nonprofit association Freies Office Deutschland
e.V., formerly Deutschland e.V., which acted as interim legal
entity from the very beginning. Thomas Krumbein, its Chairman, is grateful:
"Our sincere thanks goes out to the Berlin authorities for their helpful
cooperation in the past months, and for their flexibility and enormous
support in achieving the community’s goals. Berlin has definitely made a
landmark decision by approving The Document Foundation. Freies Office
Deutschland e.V. is proud to be the donor of this important entity, and we
look forward to working together with the new Foundation to the benefit of
all users and contributors."

André Schnabel, Chairman of the Membership Committee, stated the
Foundation’s openness: "I am sure we will see the community prospering and
growing even more, now that the legal entity has been created. Finally,
after nearly 12 years, the community has created a Foundation that ideally
fits to its needs, that is vendor-neutral, that provides safety, builds
trust, and that sends out a strong sign of stability to all stakeholders. I
would like to repeat our honest invitation to everyone interested in the
future of free office suites, to join The Document Foundation, no matter if
you are an individual volunteer, employee of a software vendor or support
our activities with help from local non-profit organizations."

The home of The Document Foundation is at
LibreOffice, the free office suite, has its home at

Note to editors: A "Stiftung" is a German Foundation established with an
endowment and supported by state authorities. See for more
details. In addition, "bürgerlichen Rechts" indicates it is a fully
independent Foundation with long-term intent and independent finances.

Media Contacts for The Document Foundation

Florian Effenberger (based near Munich, Germany, UTC+1)
Phone: +49 8341 99660880
Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff

Olivier Hallot (based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, UTC-3)
Mobile: +55 21 88228812

Charles H. Schulz (based in Paris, France, UTC+1)
Mobile: +33 6 98655424

Italo Vignoli (based in Milan, Italy, UTC+1)
Phone: +39 02 320621813
Mobile: +39 348 5653829
Skype: italovignoli
Google Talk:

Media Contact for Freies Office Deutschland e.V.

Thomas Krumbein (based in Wiesbaden, Germany, UTC+1)
Phone: +49 611 1885339

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