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The Document Foundation announces
the members of the Engineering Steering Committe

The body coordinates development activities
and defines the technology evolution of LibreOffice

The Internet, May 23, 2011 - The Document Foundation presents the
members of the Engineering Steering Committee, the second body to be
announced - after the Membership Committee - of those envisioned by
the foundation bylaws. The ESC has come into being in early 2011, and
is now officially in place to coordinate all development activities
and set future technology directions.

The 10 members of the ESC are Andras Timar (localization), Michael
Meeks and Petr Mladek of Novell, Caolan McNamara and David Tardon of
RedHat, Bjoern Michaelsen of Canonical, Michael Natterer of Lanedo,
Rene Engelhard of Debian, and the independent contributors Norbert
Thiebaud and Rainer Bielenfeld (QA). The ESC convenes once a week on
the Internet, to discuss the progress of the time based release
schedule and coordinate the activities.

The members have been elected by the community of developers, which
has been steadily growing since late September 2010 and is now close
to 200 code hackers and 200 people involved in localization and QA.
"This is a phenomenal success", says Bjoern Michaelsen of Canonical,
"especially if you look at the OOo project, where external
contributors were a small group, and had to deal with significant

Developers hacking LibreOffice code on a regular basis are around 120,
and are divided in three groups based on their experience: 20 core
developers working on features and patches, and packaging the
software; 40 more regular devs working on features, patches and easy
hacks; and 60 less regular devs working on patches, easy hacks and
code cleaning. In addition, there are around 80 developers who are
contributing occasionally, or have just started to dig into the code.

"The ESC has brought the necessary discipline in the development
process, which is organized in a completely different way from the
past at OOo, where there was a single company in charge of the
decisions which was at the same time a strength - as it was easy to
coordinate - and a single point of failure", says André Schnabel, a
member of TDF Steering Committee. "We have built an independent
process, where the corporate sponsors are still very important but the
community is able to bring forward the software even without paid
Antón Méixome - TDF member 105
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