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Microsoft Office 2010 takes on all comers

Para min que é un artigo case completo porque comenta as privativas,
moitas das libres e mesmo outras solucións como Google Docs. A análise
é bastante razoable e mesmo neutral poñendo a cada un no seu sitio
actualmente. Como conclusión: Office segue sendo a raíña pero case
todas as demais están xa no camiño correcto de quitarlle o trono.

Respecto de OOo e LIbO

«Most of the work being done with LibreOffice right now seems
incremental rather than revolutionary: a different set of icons, a few
tweaks to the display. The under-the-hood changes that make the most
outward difference are various performance improvements, originally
devised for the Go-OO spinoff of (work on which has
since been discontinued in favor of LibreOffice). No performance
testing is needed to prove this; on the same hardware, LibreOffice
does indeed launch and open documents noticeably faster than

Other improvements also show themselves with a little hands-on usage.
Spreadsheets in LibreOffice can now handle up to 1 million rows,
versus 65,536 rows in -- handy if you're used to using
Excel as an impromptu browser for database dumps. The LibreOffice
suite has noticeably better handling of WordPerfect documents and
includes import filters for SVG, Lotus Word Pro, and Microsoft Works
files. These may seem like minor points to boast about, but they're
useful to an organization that has a lot of legacy documents and wants
to be able to read them accurately.

One notable change: In the Windows edition, help documents for the
suite are now provided by default through the LibreOffice online wiki,
rather than a local help file. This is dependent on the presence of an
Internet connection; if you don't have one, pressing F1 causes a
browser to launch and generate an error page. The local help file can
be downloaded and added separately, though, if you plan on needing
help when offline.

If you're an IT admin -- or just curious -- you can enable an
"experimental mode" within LibreOffice that turns on features
designated as unstable in the current version. Right now there are few
features exposed through this function; the most notable is an
interactive in-document formula editor.»

Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
Galician community & LibO //

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