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Le 25/06/2022 à 10:02, linux a écrit :
Bonjour à toutes et tous,

LibreOffice Windows 10

Voici une extraction d'un fichier ci-dessous, au bout de 24 h il y a un décalage 00:59:59 qui n'est pas égal à 01:00:00 dont l'explication est liè à la précision de l'opération 1/24, on peut en déduire que Temps(1:0:0) se comporte comme 1/24, ceci ne me semble pas cohérent même si j'en comprend l'origine est ce un problème déjà identifié ?

La troisième colonne est la solution que j'ai trouver pour contourner le problème.

A bientôt

'=B3+TEMPS(1;0;0)     '=C3+1/24     ‘=D3+1,0000000001/24
01/01/2020 00:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 00:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 00:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 01:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 01:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 01:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 02:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 02:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 02:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 03:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 03:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 03:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 04:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 04:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 04:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 05:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 05:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 05:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 06:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 06:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 06:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 07:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 07:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 07:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 08:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 08:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 08:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 09:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 09:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 09:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 10:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 10:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 10:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 11:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 11:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 11:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 12:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 12:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 12:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 13:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 13:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 13:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 14:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 14:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 14:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 15:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 15:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 15:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 16:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 16:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 16:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 17:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 17:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 17:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 18:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 18:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 18:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 19:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 19:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 19:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 20:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 20:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 20:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 21:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 21:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 21:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 22:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 22:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 22:00:00,0000100 01/01/2020 23:00:00,0000000     01/01/2020 23:00:00,0000000 01/01/2020 23:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 23:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 23:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 00:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 00:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 00:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 01:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 01:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 01:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 02:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 02:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 02:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 03:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 03:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 03:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 04:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 04:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 04:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 05:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 05:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 05:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 06:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 06:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 06:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 07:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 07:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 07:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 08:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 08:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 08:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 09:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 09:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 09:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 10:00:00,0000100 02/01/2020 10:59:59,9999900     02/01/2020 10:59:59,9999900 02/01/2020 11:00:00,0000100

C'est un problème normal avec la mémorisation des nombres à virgule flottante. Si tu veux utiliser cette méthode, il faut que tu imposes des arrondis au plus proche à 1/100 (ou 1/1000). À voir après avoir fait différents essais.

Amicalement vOOotre              Troumad Alias Bernard SIAUD
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