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Oh, sorry, who issues permits?

I have removed it. It was just a friendly hint.

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff:        The Document Foundation Wiki email from user "Daveb"
Datum:  Mon, 30 Aug 2021 20:47:16 +0000
Von:    The Document Foundation Wiki <>
Antwort an:     Dave Barton <>
An:     Harald Berger <>

Why did you hijack the Documentation Tutorials wiki page for an unapproved Actions such as this should be discussed at the Docs Team Meeting If you are unable to attend a meeting, this should be openly discussed on the Docs Team mailing list and consensus agreed by the majority of other team members.

This email was sent by Daveb to Hrbrgr by the "Email this user" function at The Document Foundation 
Wiki. If you reply to this email, your email will be sent directly to the original sender, revealing your 
email address to them.

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